Nov 1, 2007

Finally, A Post About Poop

Every mother will tell you, every father will deny it, every baby will grin because, well, poop happens. A LOT! We actually have an anti-poop issue. Yup, constipation. There are a lot of remedies, and doctors won't do anything for a week. A WEEK! Could you imagine being a couple of months old and not having the "big move" for a week. Yikes! Then when the big move comes...put on your hip waders.

Luckily, the move usually comes - with gusto - and the parents can sigh with relief.

This is our dearest, asleep, and clutching her favorite clutchables...


Anonymous said...

This makes me laugh because Dominic has not gone for a week. I know it's common for a breastfed baby to not go for a few days but this is the longest he has ever gone. I tried infant massage on his belly, a warm bath, leg exercises and still NOTHING. I'm calling the doc tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Saddly enough I have to add what you did not try. Theomedter... yick. But it works like a charm. A little lubricant and a poke and usually with in the day something appears. Both a Dr. and a midwife and a lactation consultant have all recomended this method for young babies. My poor little guy struggled with this his first couple of months.