Nov 3, 2007

Hodgy Podgy


We were invited to have baby photos done today. What a project that is! Victor Sanchez and his phenomenal wife, Nicole, are a super team for taking the cutest photos of your baby (and your family, by the way). When I get their URL, I will link to their website. There is nothing cuter than a naked baby in a wash basin - cute, cute, cute!

Good diaper rash news! After being frustrated that the yeasty diaper rash was not going away with the doctor's prescription goop, we found effectiveness with two simple incredients: olive oil (organic, extra virgin, expeller pressed - at Albertson's it is on sale) and tea tree essential oil (Boise Co-op or Fred Meyer). According to Taste for Life magazine, mix 2 oz olive (or other vegetable oil) with 10-12 drops essential oil. Dab on with cotton ball or spray on with high quality spray bottle. (My cheapy bottle just plugged up and made a mess; I went with the cotton ball).

It wasn't just that easy, however. BUT to be fair, it is hard to discern what actually worked and what we did that coincided with what worked. So, this is all that we/I tried:
  • fresh air - Ren had LOTS of bare butt time. Even through one night (used many towels and some extra night waking on my part). Be sure to go front and back.
  • fresh water - after diaper wearings and after major movements, I dunked her in the bathroom sink for a clean rinse. Then, she air dried.
  • oil mix
  • I read on someone else's blog that the tea tree is the anti-fungal/anti-yeast and the olive oil helps repair the skin. I also read that cinnamon oil helps as well (and smells like Christmas!) Note - tea tree oil should not get into baby's mouth, use care.

Remember to vote in local elections on November 6, 2007. Voting makes a difference! Do not, and I repeat do not, make lame excuses for not voting. The polls open early and close late. Not registered? Click Here for Voter Registration. Don't know where to go? Click Here for Polling Places. Click the Idaho Votes logo for additional voter information.

Finally, if your hubby might be interested in Riverboarding, Bike Polo, Skiing, Airboarding, or other "sports for lightheaded people" (as my father would say). Contact my groovy husband because he is always looking for a buddy - and it gets me off the hook. Thanks. Blessings.

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