Oct 24, 2011

St. Teresa of Avila Book

Since St. Teresa of Avila's feast day (Oct 15)- and Ren spying a picture of her. There has been a lot of "Teresa from Avila" talk at our house. Really, I didn't know much about her so stayed up late(r) to read up. Then we made our book.

Slightly related - I get a Saint a Day on my phone from Catholic.org. Each day I say "and the saint of the day is...." Ren gets excited about it and it comes with a picture. I have learned a lot, too.l

I wrote the words from a few notes I took. We cut out "nun" shapes and faces to go in them. As well as a dress for the young Teresa and clothes for Rodrigo. Honestly, we made up the artwork as we went along.

One of the pages: I drew some and she drew some. She did the larger lettering on the cover.


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