Apr 7, 2012

Holy Week: Build the Alleluia!

I am bummed that this did not photograph well, but the idea is essentially this:

The word "alleluia" has 8 letters and from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday is 8 days. We "built" our alleluia with each day. Under the letter is the day (Monday, Tuesday, etc) which my 4 year old outlined. Under that, I wrote a synopsis of the gospel read and what we could do that day. As you can see, there were many great crafts from Catholic Icing. Add a letter for each day. I just used a blocky font in Word, printed it on cardstock, and cut it out.

On Sunday - We did the footprint donkey and hand print palms.

Monday - We rubbed each others' feet with scented oil like Mary did for Jesus.

Tuesday - We drew a picture of Jesus and Judas

Wednesday - We made preparations for the Seder meal and for Easter meal.

Thursday - At preschool co-op, we did the Last Supper craft. This was tricky to tape up to the wall.

Friday - We did the crucified Jesus craft.

Saturday - We just waited. I had the Easter poster faced in so you could only see the white blank back of it. Anticipation!

Easter Sunday! - The Alleluia is all spelled out and the resurrection poster is turned around. (The poster came with a great Stations of the Cross set for $9.99 from Autom.)

1 comment:

Jen-Marie @ Catholic Inspired said...

Cute idea! I'm going to pin this on Pinterest! Maybe I can do this next year! God Bless!