Dec 8, 2011

Thursday School: Immaculate Conception puppets

I drew crude "people" that were Anne, Joaquim, baby Mary, toddler Mary, and an angel. First, I used my puppet set to tell the story. What was the Immaculate Conception? "God brought Joaquim and Anne together and blessed it -- then came Mary. Enough detail for age 4!

The kids colored the characters, then cut generally around them. We taped on Popsicle sticks and told the story. Once home, one mom was trying to cook dinner and told her kids "Take your puppets and go act out the Immaculate Conception! " hahahahaha...oh my....

We also did thumbprint insects onto a large letter I. They put thumbs onto an inkpad and then pressed it on the paper. With a marker they added six (or so) legs, antenna, etc. Cute!

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