Oct 3, 2011

MHS Ag Expo

This is the Meridian High School Agriculture Expo. It is a GREAT day to learn waaaay too much about Idaho Agriculture. The FFA students were great! I had many "green" questions, but didn't get a chance to ask...like: Is the phosphate mined in a sustainable way? Are there emission standards on tractors? What is the nutritional difference between commercially grown and organically grown crops? Does Monsanto own everyone?

Nonetheless, it was a captivating and informative day for the homeschool kids!

Learning about Idaho products:

Making tracks and being mindful of Idaho's wild places and residents:

Admiring the cows:

We heard a lot about "the bird with crazy hair."

The crew and the tractor!

We learned that pig bones are made into cosmetics. I felt good about not wearing make up.

Preschoolers started to fade, so we took a break.

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